Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Damn Horse

It's been a few weeks, ok months, but at least give me credit for being in the same calendar year.  It was a wednesday night, the spring weather made for a night outside with myself and your brother.  We were playing hockey I am sure.  I watched you and mom drive away, off to your horseback riding lesson. 

I got the call around 8pm, you and mom were at the hospital.  You had a fall from the horse, and this one hurt.  They suspected your arm to be broken.  Sure enough, after hours of wating, the x-rays confrms that you had a break just above your elbow.  At 5am, I was awoken by the sound of you and mom coming home.  You had this poor innocent little look on your face while sporting this huge cast.  I wanted to cry, but I was too tired.  We realized we had to go to Sick Kids hospital for surgery.  We had to be there by 8am. 

Since your mom hadn't slept, most likely, you never really sleppt either, we packed up you and yur brother in the van, and off to Toronto we went.  We beat rush hour and arrived in plenty of time.  We checked into Emerg, were sent to Orthopedics, then back to Emerg.  Everyone there was wonderful.  After a few hours, we checked into your room.  Since we weren't sure what time you would go into surgery, we knew you would be there at least for the night.

After lunch, your brother and I left.  You were such a trooper, that you had your IV put in by that time and didn't even flinch.  You laid in bed most of the afternoon, watched a movie or two with your mom.  I was disappointed becasue I knew what you were about to go through would set back your plans for the summer.  Powerskating lessons, done.  Soccer, next year.  Horse back Riding lessons...maybe in the fall.  Recovery, rehabilitation, weeks, most likely, months. 

The day went by, and te doctor's were unable to fit you in.  Matthew and I had a boys night.  McDonalds and bath and bed.  The next morning, I heard you might be in surgery by 9am.  Matt and I took bosco for a walk, and after that, I called and your mom thought it would be mid afternoon.  We waited anxiously.  Finally, around supper time, you went in for surgery.  All was a success.  Aparently you were quite the character in recovery eating a dozen or so freezies since it had been almost 48hrs since you had a true meal.  

The next day, Matt and I headed for Toronto.  We arrived mid morning and had a few things to wait for before you were dismissed.  We got home, and you laid low for the rest of the day.  I truly wish I did not get caught in the moment when I got home that night because you were quite the character under the influence of morphine.  Your hair in a bun, those silly glasses without lenses and your squeaky voice.  I viral video was there somewhere.  Oh well, opportunity lost.

Three weeks went by and you never complained once.  I have no idea how you did it, but you just did.  Your brother and I went back to have your pins removed, by the way, there were three pins.  Watching the nurse remove them, you were such a strong girl.  I wouldn't have believed my eyes if I didn't see it first hand.  The last one gave you a bit of an ouch.  Regardless, you were very brave.  Most people would cringe at the thought of it.

The nurse put on a bandaid and gave us specific instructions for the next few days.  You were real good about following those instructions.    Most importantly, within a few days, you were able to have a shower for the first time in what was alomost a month.  As time went by, you slowly got more movement in your arm.  A little bit day by day.  It is now the second week in July, and you can almost straighten it and bend it. 

All in all, I am sorry you had to go through it.  It is almost like a right if passage for children in general.  You couldn't have been a better patient.  We were so luck that it was only your arm.  Hopefully, like chicken pox, the bone break skips your brother.

Love you,


Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm so 2000 and Late

Wow, I'm sorry.  I went the entire calendar year of 2011 without updating your blog.  For that, I am sorry.  I guess there was too much to do and not enough time.  Ok, that excuse won't work.  Since I am your father, I can't give you an excuse that you cnot use on me. 

So, let me summarize the year in review for you.

2011, the year that was.  For the majority of the year, you were 6.  Grade one was a success.  However, I am pretty sure they don't fail people anymore, so you made it to grade two witout any problems.  You began the year, illiterate.  By the end of school, you were reading quite nicely.  When December cam around, you were probbaly reading closer to a grade 4 level. 

Life with your brother moved along fine.  You were a good little helper, helping when necessary, taking care, realizing that he was still a baby.   Although he learned to walk in the spring, slowly but surely, he became a little playmate for you.

From being an almost total pylon in the fall of 2010, by the end of the skatng season, learn to skate paid it's dividends.  You bacome one of the 'faster' skaters out ther on the ice.  Turning and stopping were an other issue, however your natural athletic prowess began to pay off. 

Gymnastics continued, you enjoyed that for the most part.  So much, that you wanted to go again in the fall.  Soccer again, was a summertime favorite.  The 'pack' mentality is slowly fading as the age group gets older, soccer begins to look like more of a sport instead of a bunch of little girls running round together in pursuit of a ball. 

During the summer we laid low.  It was not overly hot, not very wet, just a typical summer.  Horseback riding continued.  I think there may have been a horse camp involded somewhere in there too.  I don't remember with all due respect.  One day you'll understand.

Ringette was the sport you enjoyed most.  You started in September.  I finally discovered the dreaded Sunday morning 7am practise from a parent's perspective.  We attended all your games, and most of the practises.   You quickly figured out the rules, and became a team player.  We learned a little later on that you were probably one of the oldest on the team.  I don't know if that is why you looked better than most, but your giving attitude was evident amongst your teammates.  Just a little note for the future as the level of competetiveness rises.  When you afre open in front of the net with the ring....SHOOT!.  No need to pass off to the other teammate.  

Horseback riding trickled off.  Not sure why, perhaps it was behaviour, maybe financial, but definitely because of time.  There are only so many hours in a day, and you are definitely a busy girl.  Gymnastics continued in the fall, after schools on Wednesday's.  Unfortunately, I feel you were deprived in this.  Your mom could never attend due to work.  I droped you off, then scrambled home to make supper, only to rush back to pick you up.  We gave you the option to continue in the winter, but with ringette, and Mario Kart, you declined.

Your social circle was still alive and well.  Sydney, Autumn, Alex and others dominated.  Whenever Sydney came by, Dylan wa snot far behind.  This year, invite's to the Finley's pool started to happen.  Once everyone realized that you were actually a good little swimmer.  Jordan started showing his age, and the new girl on the street took him away from you for just a little while.  For the most part, sports, and outside kept you busy.

You had another horseback riding birthday party.  That makes two now, and yes I am keeping track.  School was going along well.  You said goodbye to Stephanie as a babysitter, and hello to Angela.  Vanessa was by twice a week to look after you and your brother.  Alex sometimes had to remind you that he is an 11 year old boy who actually like to do just boy things.  He did it a way where you were not hurt. 

As the winter that never was set in, we didn't really do too much.  Christmas came and went.  Mario Kart Wii and Nintendo 3DS invaded your life.  You started off as a Mario 3ds girl, but then quickly became a Mario Kart Girl.  Games from the past were no longer as intriguing.  I thought you might be able to finally find your rhythm with Just Dance 3, unfortunately, it may have been a fad.  Monster High dolls were all the rage.  You were more intrigued by owning them all instead of playing them.  Unfortunately, I was the only one that felt that way, and others kept buying them for you. 

I think we got your shoe count down to 13 pair at the front door, only down from 15 pairs the year before.  Regardless, it's a step in the right direction.  Speaking of outerwear, we seemed to have less fights about clothing this year.  You finally understand the difference between the seasons. 

The year of the iPod touch probably best summarizes this year.  That was a gift for you mother the Christmas of 2010.  Surprisingly, you seem to navigate it best amongst all members of the family.  Then agan you use it the most.  You figured out Skype, and now facetime.  Texting...who needs a cell phone when you have WiFi right?  Your hair grew long.  You still have a mean streak I can't figure out.  For the most part, you had a pretty good year.  A couple of oops with electronics, but other than that no major injuries.  There was that week at Christmas where we all go pretty sick.  That wasn't much fun.

Your baby teeth continued to come out.  The tooth fairy was busy for a while, but then you seemed to forget about her.  Your orthodontic journey began in the fall.  You were a trooper for wearing it as often as you did.  I wasn't too impressed about replacing it after finding it under the rear wheel of the van, but hey, it's just money right?  Well, if I remember correctly, you bought the second one. :)

In summary, you were a typical social, highly energetic, smart, beautiful, well balanced youg girl.  You love to keep your mind busy.  For a while, I thought you were going on 13...not 7.
You are bcoming a wonderful friend and helper to your brother.  I don't know what else to say.  I will upload the year in pictures one of these days.  I promise.  I think I just figured out, it is easier to do this more often the every 16 months.   Too much to write, too much to remember.

One thing I will remember for a long time is that one morning, playing Mario Kart Wii before school.  Don't ask me why, maybe just because it was not too long ago.  I was having a coffer, hanging with Matt.  You hald completed all of your gold medals in all levels, I don't think I helped with any.  Let's be honest, you kick my butt anyways.  All I remember is watching you whip off a triple gold star performance on the shell course.  I stil can't believe it happened in front of my eyes.  You did it like a boss.  Anyways, I love you, and will write more soon.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Well...it's been a while..what's new.

Well, since I updated your brother's blog yesterday, I thought I had better update yours.  Soon enough you will be a full fledged reader, and the last thing I want to hear is, "|How come you wrote in Matthew's journal not mine?".  Fair is fair.  You still get to stay up later than him, so there.  So, since I last wrote, you were expecting a brother, we did not have a name for him at that time, but as you well know it is Matthew.  You have been an awesome big sister right from the beginning.  I am sure you wondered what the heeck was going on in the beginning.  you had this little brother, but he couldn't come home, and you weren't allowed to visit it.  You never complained. 
Once he came home, you helped all you could.  Almost to the point where we tripped over you.  You loved him from the start.  You were never jealous, except at bed time.  It took a while to explain to you that he was helpless and didn't know night from day.  Regardless, you are an awesome big sister. 
Kindergarten soon ended.  I remember walking to school with you for the first time.  We made it all the way, and I never had to carry you.  I remember the second time we walked to school, this time we took Bosco, and that dog almost attacked us.  Bosco stood up for you though.  When school ended, the summer awaited.   You went to horseback riding camp, not once, but twice.  You even got to go to Southampton a couple of times.  No Deerhurst though.  We had play dates with friends, and even the stock car races for the first time.  I wish I was off the whole summer with you.  Some day.
Finally, September came, grade 1.  All day every day.  New teacher, new classmates, new friends.  You even developed new firends at home, Autumn, and Sydney came over often.  Unfortunately we couldn't go camping this year, but there will be more in the future.  However, I think the best of all, was learning to ride your bike.  Watching you try, and try, without giving up, made me so proud.  I have video of it somewhere, trust me, I will post it.
You are doing well in school, haven't been sent to the office yet.  I was so proud last year, when you won an award for humility.  I forgot to mention that.  Horseback riding continues to be a passion.  You went in two shows so far, and have two 2nd place ribbons to show for it.  Unfortunately, you are going to have to wait a bit longer for your own horse.  Until you move out if I get my way.  You started skating weekly, you are doing fine.  You continue gymnastics, and frankly my dear, that is all we have time for.
You had your first birthday party (even though your birthday wasn't for 2 more months).  You had 6 friends, Courtney, Sydney, Emma, Alyssa, Kaya and Charly.  It was fun for everyone.  We thought it would be best to do while it was still 'warm' instead of at the end of December.  Nana made sure Super Mario made it back in your life after you lost him this summer.  Now you and your mom can't put it down.
You continue to love your brother.  I know you will be a big help once he starts crawling and walking.  You better be, mom and I are counting on you to keep him entertained!  You still have an identity crisis with your own bed.  If I had known I would spend the most time in it since you climbed in to our bed so much, I wouldn't have painted the room pink.  It can be a little too much to look at some mornings.  Speaking of pink, how do you like your new background here?  Blogger never gave me many options.

Love you lots, I will post the year in pictures soon.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Time for a new blog...

Well, this all began with good intentions. And, will continue with better intentions. As we grow and develop and venture out, we sometime get sa little busy. that does not mean this is unimportant. It really is. However, in a short week, you will have a little brother. At this time, his name is still unknown. The way your mother is feeling, it may be sooner that next week. I do promise, I will continue to write and post here. Now that I am a little better with this internet thing, I intend to update this soon and hope to remember to show it to you someday. Regardless, I will have to add another blog, lifeof........com. I will fill in the name when I know it.
Love Dad.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Your almost 5

It was only 4 and a half years ago, I decided I was going to start a blog about your lfe. I don't know why, but I thought it would be a neat idea. I stayed at it for a little while, then occasionally, then rarely posted. I made a decison tonight, I will do it more often. It may not be as indepth a post as you deserve, but it will be a post. As you well know, your mother is pregnant, and you will have a little brother or sister this coming May or June.
I was at your school yesterday for an open house. Your teacher was very proud to have you in her class. So proud, that she would like her daughter to be in your class next year. You are very kind, and loving. It choked me up when you brought home an award for Humility last month. I could learn a thing from you. You are only 4, but have come a long way. You have a long way to go, and I/we only want the best for you. It will not be easy but will be rewarding. Just make sure you have fun along the way. Come June, I hope to have another blog, in honour of your brother or sister.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

and another year goes by....

Well, my promise of keep this a daily / weekly / monthly blog...is now officially a yearly blog. Where does the time go? About this time last year, we were up to our eyeballs in starting a new company, The Benefit Guys . We specialize in Life Insurance, Travel Insurance, and Group Insurance. It has been a challenging year. As you may know from being a business owner, you have to take care of every detail, and most that are not income producing. So, that is where my time has been spent.

So, what happened? Well, you Miss Mackenzie, have officially graduated JK, and are now enrolled in SK. By this time next year, you will in in school, all day every day. With any luck and god's grace, have a baby brother or sister. But back to last year. You excelled in Gymnastics at the Little Gym, however, dance was not something you liked as much. We went ice skating 3 or 4 times. I thought that would kill me having to bend over and help, but surprisingly, after a couple of times, you were a natural. Hopefully we can get you out more this year. We went tobogganning a record number of times, and enjoyed every minute. You became quite the dog walker with your mom. We almost were able to put the stroller away for good.

When spring rolled around, you started playing T-Ball. You really seemed to enjoy it. I had more fun pitching to you in the front yard. You were a natural hitter. Then soccer started again, you developed into a real team player. Then there was the summer we never had. We never really got to go to the beach that much, but we did enjoy a few days a Deerhurst. You have become quite the little daredevil, bouncing on the trampolines, and climbing the ladders. Also quite the swimmer. We had our first family camping trip at my oold watering hole, Emerald lake. There, you were a daredevil of daredevils jumping off a 12' cliff into the water below. We had fun on the waterslide, the jumping water toys, and by the camp fire.

You still are a little stubborn, and not quite sure who the boss is. However, we will still keep reminding you and do whatever it takes to make you the lovely young lady you will become.

This is all I have time for tonight. We love you, and always will. Mom and Dad.

Soon to come, the year in pictures.

Monday, November 17, 2008

There goes another year....

Well, there you have, the end of 2008. What happened? Well, you are now a little girl. Somehow, being a toddler just zoomed right along. A few months ago, you started Junior Kindergarten. You love going to school. You have even had your first school trip on a bus. I'm sorry we don't always remember show and tell days, but at least we remember Hot Dog and Pizza days! Your first school pictures came back. We hope to get organized enough so that in 20, 30, 40 years they are still around for you to see as are mine. I just have trouble remembering all the names.

So, what else did we do this year? We went to Great Wolf Lodge. You were still a little young for water slides and swimming, but you enjoyed it more than the year before. It was so cute watching you at story time, take your seat amongst the others. You were good to James and Owen. Christmas came and went, you had your share of ear infections. We went to the specialist and so far, you are good. Translation, no tubes required.

For a while, you were killing us with your sleeping patterns. It was out of control, having to be read numerous stories before bed. We gave in a laid with you many nights until you fell asleep. That was our fault. Then magically, July 1st, you wanted to sleep in your own room. Voila, you sleep in your own room. You still get up more night than you sleep through. Somehow making it to my side of the bed or intercepting me on my way to the washroom in the middle of the night. No big deal. The night can be scary.

In May you played soccer. You loved it. You scored many goals, not always against the other team, but you had fun. You got your fair share of whacks, a couple heads to the eye, a goose egg here and there. For the most part, you are a tough little girl. At some point we went from baby bikes to big girl bikes. With training wheels of course. One of the best times I had with you was when we took Bosco for a walk through the woods, and you rode that bike all the way down the path, and all the way back. You never asked for help once. I was so proud.

We started swimming lessons after soccer. You love the pool. Almost too much. One day, you are bobbing around in your water wings, fearful if we are not within grasp. A week later, you are jumping off the side of the pool, into our arms, and sometimes when we are not ready. Quickly, you learned to plug your nose and close your eyes. Unfortunately, there is more to swimming then these 2 simple rules. After swimming lessons started, you thought you were a pro. More than once, we watched you walk in, after telling us you could swim all by yourself. As you sunk to the bottom each time, you soon remembered you weren't quite ready. At aunt Lisa's, you had no fear jumping off the diving board, especially with water wings. We're quite happy with water wings for now. With your determination, you will be swimming without them next year. Under our watchful eye of course.

Another proud moment, was when you put on your roller skates and 'skated' to the park. As I held onto your hand, watched you slip and stumble, and moreso your determination to get from point A to B all by yourself. I could not be more proud. What I was most proud of, was when you told me that you were going to keep trying and practising until you could do. You would not give up. If there is anything at this moment in my life as far as advice is concerned, that I could give you for life, is to have that attitude all your life. It will take you far. You will succeed in whatever you do. I never thought a 3 yr old could teach a 39 yr old anything. I was wrong.

We went to the Lion Safari one day. You had a blast. Sitting in the van like a big girl, watching the giraffe lick the window. We also had fun at the beach. It was a little cold and overcast. Next year, we'll go in the sun. I promise. We went to Deerhurst for a weekend. You loved every minute of it. You swam, swam some more, went to your first concert, had a blast. In fact, you were still talking about it by the time thanksgiving rolled around.

This year, Hannah Montana was your Halloween costume. You had a record haul in candy. Mom and I thank you for that. You love your multiple layers of clothes. I finally got you your own computer. I am amazed at how quickly you learned how to move a mouse around, click the right buttons, and play some games. Watching you learn and grow is a truly amzaing experience. I wish I could do it more often.

Your vocabulary has grown leaps and bounds. We are careful not to use the bad words around you. Maybe not careful enough. I didn't quite know what to say when you were looking for some clothing the other month, and something along the line of 'Where the hell is my summer shirt?' came out of your mouth. Since school started, I enjoy listening to you sing in your room.

You still have your moments. For some reason, you challenge our rules, especially when you know the results. Therfore, you get upset, angry and cry. Here's a secret, it is still 2 against 1. Mom and I will always win. Save your energy. Just agree so we don't have to go through the punishment part and we can get back to having fun.

It has been busy this year starting the new business with Grandpa. Here is a shameless plug. www.thebenefitguys.ca. We expect this to provide for you and mom for years to come, and one day, you may take over the company. If you want of course. I will never force you into things that do not make you happy.

Right now, you go to gymnastics every Saturday. You look like you are having fun. We hope so. Once winter rolls around, you will start dance class. I missed your first day in hockey equipment. I knew it was a little early in life for you. I heard you were determined. Soon enough, you and I will get on skates together. Hopefully, in no time, you will flying round the rink all by yourself. Next year, maybe hockey or ringette. We have to learn to skate first.

I hope to update this more often. Everytime I make this promise. so much happens, so fast, and time just disappears if you let it. I will update the year in pictures. I promise. Soon enough you will learn to read. You are already getting good at identifying some letters and numbers. I am going to see just how long I can keep this site a surprise from you. So one day, when I am long gone, you will always have this as a guide.

Love you lots.